Thursday, November 18, 2021

Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving --- Hutchinson Style!


Sharing a bit of James & Mercedes' 

unique brand of "Hutchinson Humor" in reference to... 


We hope you enjoy these rugs & our interpretations.

Happy Thanksgiving!

A noble bird

Catalogue Description: Thanksgiving Rug - Portraying a family seated about the festive board avidly eyeing a turkey about to be served at the table, all in colorful costume; a banderole at the top inscribed A Noble Bird

Interpretation:  Dad, seated at the head of the table on the right, holds a large carving knife & fork. At the other end of the table the large roasted turkey makes it's grand entrance. Everyone is wide eyed & you can almost see their mouth's watering, even the family pet. Don't you love the charming eye glasses on, what could be, Grandma & Grandpa? And do you think the girls in the front are twins? 

Advice to the young bride rug

1941 Catalogue Description: Advice to The Young Bride Rug - Shows her two hands carving a turkey and admonishes against the pitfalls of early married life.

Inscription: Unknown or none.

Interpretation: Unfortunately, a photo of this rug has not yet been found. But, as you review the next rug....Could it be one in the same rug? The timing is about right & the description has much in common.

Let This Carpet Serve To Guide,

A Young Wife By Her Fireside,

A Man May Coy With Too Much Kissing,

& Think Of His Mother’s Food He’s Missing

1942 Catalogue Description: Advice To Young Wife Rug - Announcing Let This Carpet Serve To Guide A Young Wife by Her Fireside, A Man May Coy with too Much Kissing and Think of His Mother's Food He's Missing. The food carved by mother's hand also depicted.      

1945 Catalogue Description: Advice To Brides Rug - Depicting two hands in the act of carving a turkey, on each side a deep bowl with spoon, on a blue ground border of fruits and vegetables; inscribed Let this carpet serve to guide / a young wife by her fireside / A man may coy (sic) with too much kissing / & think of his mothers food he is missing. (Hutchinson) 3 feet 11 inches x 3 feet 2 inches

1956 Catalogue Description: Advice To Young Wives Rug - Showing a pair of hands carving a turkey, within a border of stylized vegetables. Inscribed Let This Carpet Serve To Guide / A Young Wife By Her Fireside / A Man May Coy With Too Much Kissing / & Think Of His Mother's Food He's Missing. (Seller - Western Museum) 3 feet 11 inches x 3 feet 2 inches

Interpretation: This Inscription may have appeared on one, two or even three rugs, it is unclear, perhaps resold or perhaps it sold well the first time and another was created with the same inscription. Or perhaps it didn't sell, what auction houses refer to as a "pass", and the rug was returned to the Hutchinsons, who then may have put it in a future auction. 

We do know that an unidentified "Western" Museum purchased & then resold one such rug.

The floating hands appear in a number of Hutchinson designs, such as I Got the Best Man. The hands direct the viewer to the action. This rug also has a unique border, filled with fruits and veggies.


Catalogue Description: Health, Wealth and Happiness Rug - Indicated by a bag of cash, roast turkey and the hand of friendship and appropriate comments. 

Inscription: Unknown or none.

Interpretation:  Another rug that we don't have a photo. But here again, use your imagination. Would the bag of cash be similar to the one in I Bring You Luck, see top right corner. And this time, we're pretty confident that the rug had an inscription, as the catalogue makes note of "appropriate comments."


Thanksgiving Luck

Catalogue Description: Thanksgiving Rug - A man shooting a wild turkey amid posies of flowers. Captioned Thanksgiving Luck.            

Interpretation:  While we don't yet have a photo of this rug, the Hutchinsons featured the hunting theme in a number of their designs. Here is one example of duck hunting...

What We Don't Know, Won't Hurt Us

Catalogue Description: Ignorance is Bliss Rug - Depicting a fat turkey above a roast fowl between knife and fork; at centre the legend What we don't know won't hurt us

Interpretation:  While we don't have a photo, from the description, we feel that the Hutchinsons seem to show sympathy for the turkey, but with a little tongue in cheek.


The following Hutchinson rug didn't officially feature Thanksgiving or Turkeys... but it certainly expresses the humor & challenges of large "family gatherings."

This 1st rug depicts 13 people grouped around an oval table. It appears that the wife is hiding behind the curtain - ruefully gathering strength to walk into the room and serve her extended family. Meanwhile, the various guests portray characters of all ages, fighting, fuming, flirting, gorging on food, gossiping and grandstanding—all oblivious of their unhappy hostess. This Hutchinson rug tells a complex and fascinating story. Can't you just hear all the nosy chatter?


This final rug offers a common old saying...

Man Works From Sun to Sun, Woman's Work is Never Done

A kitchen scene with a woman working at a stove, a child carried under one arm, two other children are quarreling at left. All while her husband reclines on a couch. Note: the only thing missing, if this were a contemporary design, is a TV tuned to a football game. (Apologies to all the men out there who do the Thanksgiving cooking.)

Again, just a little Hutchinson Humor!

Do you own a Hutchinson rug?

Have you designed & hooked a contemporary Hutchinson-esque rug?

Be sure to send us a photo!

Have a Wonderful Turkey Day!

For more info on the books, check out our website:
Rug Hooking Traditions - Book Series
To order the books:


Thursday, July 22, 2021

Hutchinson Wedding Bells --- Marriage Confirmed…December 16, 1920

When each Rug Hooking Traditions book went off to the printers, that was not the end of the research or the discoveries, by far. For James & Mercedes Hutchinson, Kathy has put in more than 15 years of digging through archives, interviewing authorities, & meeting with rug collectors. One of the topics, that has taken a full 15 years, was to find out if this couple was "legally" married…. or just claimed to be! On the evening of July 20th, the official document arrived via email, from a lovely New Jersey genealogist named Debbie Hadley. (Thank you, Debbie!)

The recent discovery, was possible because of an update for the New Jersey Marriage Index. (Did you know that the Genealogy websites periodically add & update info & records?) The update was in late 2019 or early 2020. In the NJ Index, Kathy found a Hutchinson marriage in 1920. She had already narrowed down the marriage timeframe to 1920-1924, so that was promising, but there were a number of inconsistencies in the New Jersey (transcribed) info. She hoped that the original (hand-written) document would reveal the correct info, leading to our couple.

Then COVID hit & all the government archives were locked down & we would just have to wait until they reopened, which they did, just last week. Debbie, the genealogist, contacted Kathy & said she would make the trip to the New Jersey state archives & see what she could find. voilĂ , here is James & Mercedes’ Certificate & Record of Marriage….

Looking at this document, and comparing it with our other findings, we will try to re-create this auspicious event in this couple’s life…

The wedding day, December 16, 1920 was a mere 10 days after James’ birthday (Dec 6) - he had just turned 39. At that time, he was divorced from his first wife Clara (Britton) & his occupation was listed as a Salesman. He was living at 1825 7th Avenue in New York City.

Mercedes was 24, single & this was her first marriage. At the time, she was living wither her mother Emma (Travis) Clifton, sister Dorothy (age 28), & brother Robert (age 22). Her father had passed away 7 years prior, in 1913. The family rented a place at 284 14th Street in Brooklyn, New York.

On their wedding day, 101 years ago, James & Mercedes probably took a ferry from New York City to the Jersey City Station, because the Holland Tunnel had only begun construction in 1920.

Holland Tunnel - Before the Holland tunnel was constructed, residents of New York and New Jersey seeking to cross the Hudson River used ferries which carried vehicles onboard. At the turn of the century as automobile ownership became more common, up to 30 million vehicles were transported across the Hudson using ferries. In 1920 the New Jersey Interstate Bridge and Tunnel Commission and the New York State Bridge and Tunnel Commission allocated funds for the creation of Holland Tunnel, then referred to as the Hudson River Vehicular Tunnel project. Initially, it was thought that building a bridge would be the most practical and affordable solution to connect New Jersey and Manhattan. However, commercial ships required a minimum clearance of 200 feet, and since the Manhattan side of the Hudson River did not have sufficient clearance to meet this requirement, it was determined that a long approach to the bridge would also be required. Since a long approach to the bridge on the Manhattan side would not be feasible, in 1913 it was decided that a tunnel was the best method of achieving the desired result.  The Holland Tunnel construction started in 1920 and was completed in 1927.

Jersey City - The Pennsylvania Railroad Station was the intermodal (2 or more modes of transportation) passenger terminal for the Pennsylvania Railroad's (PRR) vast holdings on the Hudson River and Upper New York Bay in Jersey City, New Jersey. It was one of the busiest stations in the world for much of the 19th century. The rail terminal and its ferry slips were the main New York City station for the railroad – as you can see in the photo below, it was quite impressive. The PRR referred to the location simply as "Jersey City." 

So which ferry did they take? It may have been the New Brunswick, photo below, owned by Pennsylvania Railroad.  

Jersey City Ferry - a major ferry service that operated between Jersey City in New Jersey and Cortlandt Street in lower Manhattan for almost 200 years (1764-1949). The ferry transported people & vehicles, & was notable for being the first to use steam power, which began in 1812. 

After arriving in Jersey City, New Jersey, James & Mercedes were married by Reverend Orman M West (photo below) at the Trinity-Hedding Methodist Episcopal Church located at 242 Montgomery Street. Rev West’s wife Dora E and her father Charles A Dorman were witnesses. Rev West was a highly respected Pastor of Trinity-Hedding Methodist Episcopal Church from 1917 – 1921. 

According to John Beekman, MLIS Dept. Head - New Jersey Room, Jersey City Free Public Library… Trinity-Hedding Methodist Episcopal Church was among the oldest religious institutions in the city, founded in 1829. While the church itself is gone, John shared a photo & some background… In 1911 it had merged with Hedding and shortly after its centennial in 1935, was in turn merged into Simpson-Grace Methodist Episcopal Church. Sometime around 1965, Simpson-Grace merged with Emory Methodist Episcopal Church, into Christ United Methodist Church, which still exists today.

If you recall, James eloped with his 1st wife Clara (Britton) & they were married by Rev William C McKnight at the Presbyterian Church in Greenport, Long Island, New York. Greenport was just across the bay from Shelter Island, where both their parents had summer homes. Below, a charming photo of James, Jr. & Clara, along with a newspaper clipping covering their romantic elopement...

So, his 2nd marriage to Mercedes may have been rather impulsive too, as the Certificate states --- they were married at 11pm on December 16th. The 1st question is… “Why so late?” and the 2nd more humorous question… Were the good Reverend, his wife, & father-in-law roused out of bed & in their Pajamas during the marriage ceremony? Or was this simply a typo, and the recorder meant to write 11am? And yet another question pops to mind… Did any of the couple's family or friends accompanying them at this marriage ceremony? Probably not, as they would have typically been the witnesses, instead of the Reverend’s own family filling that role. Again, much like James’ first marriage MO (modus operandi) & elopement – It all seems impulsive, mysterious & adventurous! 

There are some details that we can’t confirm & we may never know. But this wonderful discovery does confirm... Yes, they were "legally" married & there are many first-hand life experiences that led to the Hutchinson’s humorous hooked rug designs & inscriptions – especially relating to LOVE, ROMANCE, & MARRIAGE

Of which, here are some charming, cantankerous, bold & wary examples – especially for that timeframe - 1920s-1940s. These hooked rug “photos” were discovered after the printing of the book, but the titles & info were included in the book. 

We hope that these Hutchinson Hooked Rugs give you a chuckle…. Enjoy!

Inscription: The Impetuous Lover

Click her for our website & more info: Rug Hooking Traditions - Book Series
To order the books, you'll find us on Etsy:

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Genealogy Buffs - Amazing Animation...

For all the ancestors you've never met...check out My Heritage to enhance, colorize & animate your old black & white photos. It's free for 14 days & then there is an annual fee. Here's  a sample...

Magdalena Briner Eby...

Esther Knipe...

James L Hutchinson, Jr...

Mercedes Hutchinson...

Technology that's  SIMPLY AMAZING! 
Give it a try!

Saturday, March 13, 2021

In the News ---- MBE Historic Marker


MBE's historic marker was recently in the news. 
The marker was featured in Pennsylvania's Perry County Times newspaper, February 11, 2021. 

With the current Covid-19 situation, what a great way to get out safely 
this Spring by taking a scenic drive & visiting all the MBE historic sites. 

(Thanks Deb Smith, Editor, RHM for sending me the article)

For more info on the Magdalena Briner Eby book & the other books in the Rug Hooking Traditions - Book Series ---- check out our website:
To order the books:

Monday, February 15, 2021

Happy Presidents Day - Hutchinson Style....

Presidents Day --- Trivia...

Did you know that Presidents Day was originally established in recognition of President George Washington? 

The story of Presidents' Day date begins in 1800. Following the death of George Washington in 1799, his February 22 birthday became a perennial day of remembrance.

At the time, Washington was venerated as the most important figure in American history, and events like the 1832 centennial of his birth and the start of construction of the Washington Monument in 1848 were cause for national celebration. 

While Washington’s Birthday was an unofficial observance for most of the 1800s, it was not until the late 1870s that it became a federal holiday. Senator Stephen Wallace Dorsey of Arkansas was the first to propose the measure, and in 1879 President Rutherford B. Hayes signed it into law. The holiday initially only applied to the District of Columbia, but in 1885 it was expanded to the whole country. 

The shift from Washington’s Birthday to Presidents' Day began in the late 1960s, when Congress proposed a measure known as the Uniform Monday Holiday Act. Championed by Senator Robert McClory of Illinois, this law sought to shift the celebration of several federal holidays from specific dates to a series of predetermined Mondays.

The proposed change was seen by many as a novel way to create more 3 day weekends for the nation’s workers, and it was believed that ensuring holidays always fell on the same weekday would reduce employee absenteeism.  

The Uniform Monday Holiday Act also included a provision to combine the celebration of Washington’s birthday with that of Abraham Lincoln, which fell on February 12.

If you asked most people today, they would probably say that Presidents Day is a celebration of the birthdays and lives of "all" U.S. presidents.

Presidents Day --- Hutchinson Style....

George Washington was a common figure in the hooked rugs attributed to James & Mercedes Hutchinson. Their Washington themed rugs sold as well in the 1920s-1950s as they do today, mostly due to their popular & collectable Americana theme.

In celebration of Presidents Day, we hope you will enjoy this collection of Washington themed hooked rugs by the Hutchinsons....

General Washington
Noblest of Men
His House - His Horse - His Cherry Tree & Him! 
This B&W photo is from the Parke-Bernet 
Auction Catalogue #798, where it originally sold in 1946. 

The photo above was taken by Kathy Wright during a 
visit to Barbara Kristina (Piasecka) Johnson's Princeton, New Jersey 
estate in 2009. In Barbara's entry, you can see a similar Washington 
rug on the floor (left front). However, if you look closely at this rug, 
see below, you will see some notable differences in the house, horse, George's chair, lettering, etc. So Barbara's rug is not the same as the Parke-Bernet rug, B&W photo above. Is Barbara's an original Hutchinson or was it done by a contemporary artists? We don't know...

But we do know...
In the photo above, there are 2 examples of the Hutchinsons' 
General Washington - Noblest of Men design - which were adapted slightly, reproduced, hooked with yarn, & sold by Claire Murray So there are a number of reproductions out where in the world.

Barbara Kristina (Piasecka) Johnson
The Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical heiress was one of the most respected hooked rug collectors in the U.S. Her hooked rug collection was sold at several auctions after her death in 2013. She also had many other collections, of which were a decoy collection & whaling collection. Over the years, she would get calls from museums & even the White House to borrow her collections for exhibits & state dinners. 
This is only one small wall of hooked rugs, which was in her office.

General George Washington
This Washington rug also features Washington's 
Mt Vernon home, horse & cherry tree. 

First in the Hearts of His Countrymen
When the book - Rug Hooking Traditions with James & Mercedes Hutchinson was printed, we didn't have a photo of this Washington themed rug.

Father of His Country
Above & below are two versions of this rug. Many collectors & 
antique dealers claimed there were no two Hutchinson rugs with 
the same theme, inscription or motifs, this is just one 
example that research proved this theory to be incorrect. 


One final bit of trivia --- George Washington's horses 

Blueskin was a (light) gray horse ridden by Washington, photo above. He was one of Washington's two primary mounts during the American Revolutionary War. The horse was a half-Arabian & said to have been obtained from the Sultan of Morocco. Blueskin was a gift to Washington from Colonel Benjamin Tasker Dulany of Maryland. Dulany married Elizabeth French, a ward of Washington's, who gave her away at her wedding to Dulany on February 10, 1773.

Nelson was Washington's other primary riding horse, a gelding said to be calmer under fire than Blueskin. Of the many horses that Washington owned, Nelson was a favorite and carried General Washington almost always during the American Revolution War. Described as a "splendid charger," the animal stood sixteen hands high, and was a light sorrel or chestnut in color, with white face and legs.

Both horses were retired after the Revolutionary War. Blueskin lived at Mount Vernon, until he was returned to Mrs. Dulany in November 1785. 

Blueskin, due to his light gray, almost white, hair coat, was the horse most often portrayed in artwork depicting Washington on a horse. The Hutchinsons also chose to primarily depict Blueskin in their Washington themed hooked rugs.

For more info on James & Mercedes Hutchinson, check out the Rug Hooking Traditions - Book Series, here is our website:

To order the books, here is where you will find us on Etsy:


Happy Presidents Day from Snowy Ohio!



Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Magdalena Briner Eby --- Hooked Rug --- Two Crows & Two Horses

After receiving lots of interest on my previous post about the eBay rug --- Inlaws Are Rodents, I thought you might enjoy the story behind the 100+ year journey of one of Magdalena Briner Eby’s hooked rugs --- Two Crows & Two above...

In Manchester, New Hampshire, on August 4, 2007, the vast collection of Dinah & Stephen Lefkowitz was auctioned at Northeast Auctions. Among the 254 items were approximately 30 hooked, sewn, appliqued & braided pieces, one being Two Crows & Two Horses. Here is an excerpt from the auction catalogue forward by Helaine Fendelman, an appraiser & authority in the arts, antiques, and collectibles: 

About 20 years ago Dinah & Stephen began their own collecting odyssey focusing on design, color and form. The couple fell in love with an 18th century house in Old Saybrook, CT. One day Dinah awakened and realized this new old house had 16 rooms which needed to be filled. And Stephen, as he looked out the window over the waterway in from of the house, knew that a well-designed knobby Windsor chair was the perfect addition to this room. A passionate love affair for the form and design of the chair culminated in the eventual acquisition of some 28 Windors! The original painted surfaces, red, brown or black and sometimes multiple colors, combined with the turnings and the shapes of the stately chairs, literally enveloped the collecting couple and charmed them.

Dinah & Stephen traveled to antiques shows, they literally fell in love with paint decorated furniture! As their passion increased, Stephen, ever the scholar, began to build a library and study Connecticut River Valley furniture. He learned form, condition and surface as can be seen in the intricately detailed bed and table covers with colorful outstanding images. The HOOKED RUGS, especially the brightly hued star, as well as the bed and table covers resemble paintings! Even though both Dinah & Stephen purport to be minimalists, they filled the house and their New York City home with pristine examples of paint decorated furniture including blanket chests, corner cupboards, tall chests, Windsor chairs, baskets and pieces of sculpture, the beautiful decorative objects seen in this catalogue.

Even though I never met Dinah & Stephen, I’ve met many couples just like them. Couples who have a love affair with each other, and for or because of their long adventure of collecting antiques. Helen & Steven Kellogg are another example, one day I’ll post their story - of just such a love affair and their collection of Magdalena hooked rugs. (Steven generously loaned me Magdalena rugs for the 2011 Rug Hooking Week at Sauder Village – Feature Exhibit: Magdalena Briner Eby & Evelyn Lawrence.)

On the cover of the Northeast Auction catalogue above, you can see some of the other Lefkowitz hooked, sewn, appliqued, and braided rugs. I thought you might enjoy seeing a few more:

Now, back to the focus of this post… The Two Crows & Two Horses rug has been on a 100+ year journey since it was hooked by Magdalena, most likely between 1849-1915. That journey has influenced and impacted both the maker and the hooked rug itself. Most of the time, we have absolutely no information on the journey of an antique, nor the maker. But luckily in this case - we do!

Sometime in the mid-1960s, after the death of Magdalena’s granddaughter Grace (McKeehan) Greaney, Grace’s descendants had an estate sale of her household goods and furniture, at the New Bloomfield House (photo below). At the time of the sale, the family also contacted and invited antique dealers. During my research interviews, dealers recalled that the house, attic, cellar, garage, and outbuildings were filled to the brim with amazing antiques such as wonderful old cupboards with original paint, beautiful quilts, countless hooked rugs, and much more. Since the hooked rugs were viewed by the family as utilitarian in nature, and/or because some were quite worn, a number of them ended up on the burn pile. Keep in mind, in the 1960s hooked rugs had not yet reached their 1970s peak in both value & collectability.

1970s peak... had much to do with Joel & Kate Kopp and their New York City shop America Hurrah (photo below), which was filled with wonderful examples of American antiques, quilts, & hooked rugs. As antique dealers, they shared their insight into the importance of Americana with their customers and collectors. They also wrote the book American Hooked & Sewn Rugs, with 3 printings & slightly different rugs (photo below). (If you’ve ever heard me speak, most likely you will have heard me praise & credit the Kopps for their contributions to recharging and re-establishing the interest, value, and collectability of American hooked rugs. See more Kopp info on page 7 of the Hutchinson book.) The Kopp book was encouraged by Lee Cogan, Curator, American Folk Art Museum, New York City, who both had an intrinsic interest & supported the textile art of hooked rugs. Lee invited the Kopps to curate & exhibit their hooked rug collection. The 1974 exhibit was titled: Hooked Rugs in the Folk Art Tradition at what is now called the Museum of American Folk Art.


Now, back to the antique dealers who purchased Magdalena hooked rugs at the estate sale. Some of those hooked rugs were sold at the Black Angus Auction in Adamstown, Pennsylvania. Much like the Brimfield, Massachusetts sales, Black Angus was known as a place to find and buy wonderful antiques. Two Crows & Two Horses was one of the Magdalena rugs that started its journey at Black Angus. From there, it traveled in and out of the hands of a number of antique dealers and collectors (which is listed in our book), until it reached Dinah & Stephen in about 2006. They didn’t own this rug for very long before they sold it at the Northeast auction in August, 2007. The buyer was Olde Hope Antiques who paid $37,120. (I think that they specifically bought it for a collector, who lives in Bucks County, Pennsylvania & has several hooked rugs, and possibly more Magdalena hooked rugs.) This was not the first time that Olde Hope had owned a Magdalena hooked rug, they have bought and sold Domestic Zoo a number of times - once to Johnson & Johnson heiress Barbara (Christina) Johnson. (Another wonderful collector, who deserves a future Blog post with photos & notes from my 2009 visit to her home & collection.) Around 2004, Domestic Zoo was purchased by Olde Hope Antiques at Northeast Auction for $74,000, in a later sale it sold for over $80,000.

 Domestic Zoo, attributed to Magdalena Briner Eby

Below is a photo of a hooked rug (currently) for sale by Olde Hope Antiques:

Below are hooked rug photos of Dog and Cats followed by Dog, Feathered Friends, and Turtle, which were documented in our book. You can see the similarities in the dog, bird, cat turtle motifs, as well as background styling and overall colors.

Below is another hooked rug from our book called Dogs, Cats, Birds, and Turtle. This one was once owned by antique dealer - Blanche Greenstein of Woodard & Greenstein. Blanche liked this rug so much, that it hung in her home for about 25 years, before she sold it. Again, note the similar cat, bird and turtle motifs.

Two Crows & Two Horses, as well as Domestic Zoo, have pedigree provenances due to their documentation and owners, plus their appearance in publications and exhibits. This establishes a premium value. So, while Magdalena’s hooked rugs may have "originally" sold for much less than $100 each, some have appreciated to the selling price of tens of thousands of dollars, or even $100,000 and up. A simply amazing journey!

With that said, this goes back to the “pricing/value” info, which was discussed in the eBay rug - Inlaws Are Rodents post… in which the best advice being “beware & be educated” before you take the plunge into buying and collecting antique or vintage hooked rugs. Look for the documentation and then research it as much as possible.

But let’s not forget Magdalena’s own personal journey. Primarily the rugs that she, a domestic housewife or homemaker, hooked were for utilitarian purposes, and to decorate the home. The fabrics used in her rugs were primarily cut up old clothing, along with left-over scraps of quilting fabric. In today’s terms, that’s known as the very trendy “recycle, repurpose, & upcycle” movement. But in Magdalena’s lifetime it was simply: Waste not, want not --- if you use a resource carefully and without extravagance you will never be in need. We have already discussed the 100+ year journey of her hooked rugs, but over the 106 years since her death, Magdalena has been elevated from a domestic woman to an American Folk Artist, and an innovative Recycling Upcycler! Quite a promotion!

Besides the ever-increasing value of her rugs, why is her personal elevation significant? In general, and historically, (domestic) women who create art are highly overlooked, greatly under-valued, and rarely documented. That was a common issue which brought my co-authors & I together - to tell the artists stories, document their work & acknowledge them. 

Then, for Magdalena, Evelyn & I couldn’t stop with just her book, it was our joy and privilege to go on to support the 1st Trail Rug (dedicated to Magdalena) on the National Quilt Trail at Tuscarora State Forest, and campaign, fund raise, and erect the 1st historic marker dedicated to rug hooker-Magdalena in time for Perry County, Pennsylvania’s 2020 Bicentennial celebration. It gives us great pleasure in seeing others appreciate and enjoy Magdalena’s work, & now it’s out there for generations to come, through her book, Trail Rug, historic marker, & the generous donation of the Great-Granddaughter's Hooked Rug to Perry County, Pennsylvania.

For more information on MBE, her hooked rugs & more:

MBE Book - Rug Hooking Traditions with Magdalena Briner Eby from the Rug Hooking Traditions - Book Series:

To order the books from us on Etsy:

Map to MBE historic sites: Available with book purchase

MBE & Evelyn Lawrence Exhibit at 2011 Rug Hooking Week at Sauder Village:

Perry County Historians & sites:  &

MBE Trail Rug:

MBE Historic Marker:

Great Granddaughter's MBE Rug:

Hooked rug offered by Olde Hope Antiques:

For more information on the Lefkowitz auction:

Antiques & the Arts 2 articles:

For old Auction Catalogues - Jeffrey Eger:

 I hope you found this post interesting & informative!
