Monday, March 30, 2020

A Dose of Hutchinson Humor…

With everything that is going on in the world today, this Hutchinson rug captures the current sentiment…

Hooked rug attributed to James & Mercedes Hutchinson.

If you’re wondering…What inspired this rug’s inscription? 
Take, Oh! Take Those Lips Away!

Here is a poem written by an anonymous poet…

Take, oh take those lips away,
That so sweetly were forsworn,
And those eyes: the break of day
Lights that do mislead the Morn;
But my kisses bring again, bring again,
Seals of love, but sealed in vain, sealed in vain.

It is said that this poem is often misattributed to William Shakespeare, who used it in his 1600s play titled --- Measure for Measure.

William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

Shakespeare’s play was set in Vienna and the verse/poem was sung by a boy to Mariana in Act IV, Scene I. Mariana, the woman whom Angelo promised to marry before abandoning her, is reneging on his promise. The play’s overall tone was bittersweet and melancholy.

John Fletcher (1579-1626)

 John Fletcher, a distinguished Jacobean playwright and poet, who even looked like Shakespeare, added a second stanza to the poem and used it in his own play in 1621, titled The Bloody Brother (also known as Duke of Normandy), in Act V, Scene II. It was later published as a stand-alone poem.

Take, oh take those lips away,
That so sweetly were forsworn,
And those eyes: the break of day
Lights that do mislead the Morn;
But my kisses bring again, bring again,
Seals of love, but sealed in vain, sealed in vain.

Hide, O, hide those hills of snow
Which thy frozen bosom bears,
On whose tops the pinks that grow
Are yet of those that April wears!
But first set my poor heart free,
Bound in those icy chains by thee.

But how did the 1st line of this verse inspire the Hutchinsons to inscribe it in their hooked rug?

Perhaps they were admirers of Shakespeare or Fletcher’s work. Another theory may be credited to song composer --- Roger Quilter. Quilter began publishing his song compositions in 1900. His compositions had a natural flow, nearly always enhancing the rhythm of the words, rather than forcing the words into a preconceived melody. One factor, which raises Quilter’s songs above the level of most contemporaries, is his choice of using poetry as the words in his melodies. One of his favorite poets was Shakespeare. In 1921, Quilter published the song, Take, o take those lips away, op. 23 no. 4, stanza 1 [voice and piano; voice and piano quartet; or voice, harp, and strings], from Five Shakespeare Songs (Second Set), no. 4, in London, England.


 Since then and even today, the song has been sung by many singers around the world, and here in America.

Quilter composed more than 100 songs from 1900 through the 1940s. This particular song was popular in the 1920s. The Hutchinsons were producing and selling hooked rugs (with inscriptions) from the late 1920s to the 1950s.

Perhaps the rug’s inscription was inspired by any one or a combination of: the original/anonymous poem, Shakespeare's play, Fletcher’s play & poem – which the Hutchinsons may have read or seen performed in New York City, or they may have heard Quilter’s song – performed live, on the radio or phonograph. We will never know for sure, but you can enjoy the song, beautifully sung here by Mark Stone, click on photo caption.

Roger Quilter (1877-1953)

What we do know, is that favorite Hutchinson themes include Courtship, Love, & Romance, often represented by troubles or challenges --- which are distinctively visible in both the hooked rug’s inscription and its pictorial scene, as the maiden holds up her hand in protest.

So now, while we are refraining from KISSING & HUGGING, don’t forget to do what the Hutchinsons did...

For more info on the Hutchinsons & their hooked rug collection: 
For more info on the Rug Hooking Traditions - Book Series, here is our website:
To order our books, here we are on Etsy:

Monday, March 23, 2020

Happy 101st Birthday --- Ellen...

Happy 101 st birthday...... Ellen Jacobs
Ellen is Magdalena Briner Eby's 

Dearest Ellen,

I remember that it was a beautiful autumn day when I met you. you were so very kind and generous to take me on a tour of Perry County, Pennsylvania, visiting so many of the places that were special to your great-grandmother - Magdalena Briner Eby

Your generosity continued when you loaned me Magdalena’s hooked rug, along with her quilts, for the 2011 exhibit at Rug Hooking Week at Sauder Village – in Ohio...
Rug Hooking Week at Sauder Village, Archbold, Ohio - 2011 Exhibit.
Magdalena's original rug is on top & awarded the prestigious Sauder Ribbon.
Evelyn's Magdalena inspired rug is below it.
Kathy with Evelyn Lawrence.
Evelyn has hooked the entire collection of Magdalena designs & is co-author of the book Rug Hooking Traditions with Magdalena Briner Eby.
More photos from the 2011 exhibit.
Magdalena's original hooked rugs are on the left (on loan from other private collectors)
and Evelyn's Magdalena inspired hooked rugs are on the right.
Magdalena's dog rug (on loan from a private collector) is on top
& Evelyn's dog is on the bottom.
Magdalena's original quilts are hanging & on the platform, on loan from Ellen Jacobs.
All of the hooked rugs in this photo were by Evelyn, inspired by Magdalena's original designs.

 and then supported our campaign to create a Magdalena Trail rug on the national quilt trail – at Tuscarora state forest. the very 1st hooked rug on the quilt trail!
National Quilt Trail10th Anniversary Conference - Kathy with founder, Donna Sue Groves
1st Trail Rug Booth at the National Quilt Trail Conference.
I will always be grateful and appreciative of your contributions with documenting Magdalena’s life and hooked rugs. In addition to your contributions, there was considerable research, interviews & digging through archives, which resulted in our 2011 book ...
Rug Hooking Traditions with Magdalena Briner Eby,
the first booking in the Rug Hooking Traditions - Book Series.
   and the 2019 installation of our Magdalena historic marker on the Perry County (PA) Heritage Trail....
Magdalena's historic maker was installed in time for Perry County's 200th anniversary celebration in 2020.
The Perry County Bicentennial Committee - Historic Marker Installation Team. 
and Your recent donation of Magdalena’s hooked rug to Perry County --- a generous and significant contribution to your community & the rug hooking world...
Deb Smith, editor of Rug Hooking Magazine with Ellen & Gregg Jacobs
holding Magdalena's original hooked rug. In 2020, this rug will be exhibited at the Blue Ball Tavern Museum.
Documenting the lives & hooked rugs of American textile artists is my passion. Along the way, I have had the opportunity to visit wonderful places and meet memorable people. You are a very special person!

I was so tickled when your family recently shared, with me, the video tribute from your 100th birthday. What an outstanding documentation of your life, your family, and so many wonderful memories.

In that video, I was proud to be standing next to you and Gregg during the 2011 unveiling of the Magdalena Trail Rug at Tuscarora state forest.
The 2011 unveiling of the Magdalena Trail Rug on the National Quilt Trail
at Tuscarora State Forest, Blain, Perry County, Pennsylvania.
Left-Kathy, Gregg & Ellen Jacobs holding Magdalena's original hooked rug.
Right-Deb Smith (editor of Rug Hooking Magazine & sponsor of the Trail Rug)
with Evelyn Lawrence holding Evelyn's (Magdalena inspired) hooked rug.
Also in the photo are family members, Tuscarora State Forest staff,
and in the front row-community members who hand-painted the Trail Rug.
YouTube Video - Smokey Bear unveils the 1st Trail Rug 
 I feel very fortunate to have met you & be a recipient of your kindness, friendship & generosity! 
Sending you – best wishes on your 101 st birthday!
Kathy wright
Author, Editor, & Publisher 

(Be sure to click on all the links above for more info & photos.)